To get a closer look at a specific category or payee, hover your mouse over a slice of the pie graph. If you start off using two similar categories and then later decide that you need only one of them, you can merge the categories so that you don't lose any information that you've already entered. Payee minireports are available as flyovers from some locations in Quicken. To add or remove accounts, or change the categories that are included in the spending, click Customize. issues with transfer transactions not being generated correctly: For best results You can use the Spending View to quickly identify those transactions and assign. Upon testing this, I'm not finding a way to apply a separate Category Rule to each of the Payee Rules that have been created for one Payee, but I can definitely understand the need for this ability! You could create a re-naming rule to always change it to "Samantha Jones." Connect your categories with tax line items. The Payee window (Quicken > Window > Payees & Rules) helps you manage your payees and also allows you to run quick payee reports. To remove payee names that have not been used in a while, select the option Remove Memorized Payees Not Used in Last. Use the Edit button (This is great for changing the Date Range or selecting individual items such as specific Categories, Tags, or Payees). These reports track your money based on who's paying you or whom you're paying (payee) as well as what you're buying (category). Splits of transactions allow a specific transaction to be divided into numerous components with different category and/or tag assignments. To edit categories, open your category list. Date Num Payee / Category / Memo Payment 7808 Euro Motorworks 51 53 Auto : Service Oil Change .
Transfer Reconcile Write Checks Update Now Report - Options How Do Date V Num Payee / Category Payment Cr Deposit. global setting can be overridden from the Edit Account Details screen, Online Found inside –. Open the account register you want to make an entry in and click in the Payee field.
When Quicken loads up again, go back into Tools->Memorized Payee List and see if the Payee you haven't used in a long time is still there the list should be considerably shorter.